About Us

School Council Parents

About OCV Elementary School Council

OCV Elementary School Council is a parent-led team that works to ensure our school remains a vibrant and enriching learning environment that promotes student success.

Our School Council tries to enrich the lives of the students by:


  • providing advice on issues affecting students
  • organizing special events
  • strengthening home-school communication; and/or
  • fundraising to contribute to sports, music, library, academic programs as well as school yard improvement.


Membership on our School Council is open to all parents/guardians of students enrolled at our school, as well as community members, the school principal (non-voting), the vice-principal, a teacher, an administrative staff member, and a student (optional). Involvement in Council can mean anything from attending monthly meetings, being a full voting member, serving on the Executive, or helping with one of many Council-sponsored events or fundraising activities that benefit students and their educational experience.

Some of the key duties of a school council include:

Building a sense of community involving:

·        Organizing extra-curricular activities in the school

·        Coordinating school-based services and community partnerships related to social, health, recreational, and nutrition programs

·        Advising on community use of school facilities

·        The local coordination of services for children and youth


Enhancing the home-school relationship through:

·        Establishing school-community communication strategies

·        Developing methods of reporting to parents/guardians and the community

·        Curriculum and program goals and priorities


The principal assists the school council in carrying out its obligations by:

·        Providing existing non-confidential information*

·        Giving notice of the first school council meeting of the year to all parents

·        Working with the school council to publish information about its activities

·        Endorsing the school council’s fundraising activities (within the parameters and guidelines established by the Board) for the benefit of the school and/or the council)


*Note: School councils cannot access information on individual students and staff or discuss personnel matters and matters that are dealt with under collective agreements. Parents/guardians should speak directly to the teacher or principal to resolve any individual concerns.


Contact us: [email protected]



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