On this page, we have shared answers to some common questions that we have received from families about OCV and remote learning.

General Questions

Online learning involves a similar amount of time to what students would usually spend in the classroom learning and doing independent work. Student assessment and evaluation is ongoing and student attendance/participation tracked. Students are expected to be online and present during the school day.

Our school hours are 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. Your child's educators will share a detailed schedule that will help students and families develop a sense of predictability and routine. 

We understand that family realities can change and we will work to support students and families with exceptional circumstances in the best way possible.  Requests for change will be considered by Superintendents on a limited case-by-case basis subject to extenuating circumstances, space in the mode of learning requested, and the unique needs of families. Please call our school office or contact ocvelementary@ocdsb.ca for more information.

For students at OCV, the "home school" is the school where your child was most recently registered prior to enrolling in OCV Elementary. To help find your home school, please use the School Locator feature on the OCDSB website.

If you have not received an email from your child's teacher, please email our school office at OCVelementary@ocdsb.ca or call us at 613 596-8753.

Classes and Schedules:

If you are unsure of who your child's teacher is, please contact our school office by calling 613 596-8753 or emailing ocvelementary@ocdsb.ca.

Class sizes will vary, just like they do in in-person learning classrooms. In some cases, they may be lower or higher than the board average, as per the Ministry of Education. 

Learning, Instruction and Evaluation:

Students will participate in 300 minutes of daily learning opportunities including whole group lessons, small group lessons and possible one-on-one activities.

As with regular schools, students will be assessed and evaluated using conversations, observations and products (e.g. creation of a video, a slide show, written reflections), as per Growing Success. Feedback will be provided to students that will assist them in meeting the curriculum expectations for the course. Students will receive report cards, and progress reports as normal.

Yes. All of our Kindergarten classes follow a bilingual model where children learn in English on one day and in French on the next day.  Early French Immersion will be offered from grades 1-8, using a 40/60 English and French model. In our English program, students have 40 minutes of daily Core French instruction with all other subjects taught in English.

Specialized Support:

Students in regular classrooms will continue to receive support based on their Individual Education Plans (IEPs). Classroom teachers and special education educators will identify areas of strength and growth and use this information to develop an IEP. The accommodations and modifications in the IEP are expected to be implemented. Where accommodations are not practical in an online learning environment, staff will collaborate with families/caregivers and, where appropriate, students, to develop reasonable accommodations to support the student’s learning needs.

Please contact your child's homeroom teacher or our Learning Support Teacher to answer questions regarding IEPs.

Technology and School Supplies:

Our LMS Resources page provides videos and instructional documents to assist parents and students with using our Learning Management Systems. Families can also email ocvelementary@ocdsb.ca for support.

OCV Elementary School has a limited number of Chromebooks which we will be able to loan to OCV students who do not have access to a device for their learning. If your child(ren) is/are in need of a device, please complete this form (one form per child). Submissions will be reviewed and, if approved, a device will be assigned to the student for the 2024-2025 school year (to be returned to the OCDSB in June 2025). Devices can be picked up in-person at OCV Elementary School, located at Confederation Education Centre (1645 Woodroffe Avenue, room 151), or shipped to another OCDSB school for pickup from the school office (during regular school hours).

Should Internet connectivity be an issue for you due to living in a rural community or for financial reasons, please contact ocvelementary@ocdsb.ca to request a hotspot.

Students will use either Google Classroom or the Virtual Learning Environment as their Learning Management System (LMS). At the start of the school year, educators will students and families to let them know which LMS they will be using.

We want all our students to start the year off right!  In addition to virtual learning, students may engage in learning activities that require other school supplies, such as writing and basic art materials.  Please see this OCV Elementary Voluntary School Supplies that you may consider purchasing. 

We will be mailing all students the following standard supplies.  Due to back orders on certain supplies, these will not be shipped before school starts.  We are sorry for the delay and will send the supplies as soon as possible.  We appreciate your patience!


Grades 1 & 2

Grades 3-6










Crayons Crayons Coloured pencils

Blank notebook



Construction Paper

Half blank, half lined notebook

Graphing notebook

Lined notebook

Other Questions

If you have a specific question about your student or OCV Elementary, please contact our office at 613-596-8753 or ocvelementary@ocdsb.ca.