My name is Emily Pope and I am the Principal of the Ottawa Carleton Virtual (OCV) Elementary School. I taught in Nunavut in various communities before becoming an administrator with the OCDSB. I am so excited to be joining the OCV Elementary for the 2024-2025 school year.
The OCV Elementary School has just under 300 students in kindergarten to grade 8 in both the Regular English program and the Early French Immersion program. Student Achievement and Wellbeing are a shared priority. Our school team collaborates to support all students in achieving their personal goals and becoming lifelong learners.
Building relationships is the heart of our work. A strong partnership between home and school is essential to optimize student learning and well-being. Thank you for your support as we continue to work together to support children's learning and well-being.
We are dedicated to creating a culture with high expectations where students grow academically, and emotionally and to building the 21st Century learning skills that will be critical for all learners in the years to come.
Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education. We look forward to a year of learning, growth, and achievement.
Warm Regards,
Emily Pope
Ottawa Carleton Virtual Elementary School